This is the form to use to a make a formal application for a tenancy with us.
If yours is just a first enquiry at the moment, please use our Contact page instead.
If you have seen our advert, contacted us, viewed a house, raised any queries, then discussed and agreed you want to go for it... you are in the right place!
Please fill in the form below and then stand by for us coming back to you straight away requesting you to send us the £100 each Holding Deposit.
By completing this form, each applicant agrees their data can be forwarded to Canopy for this purpose.
To be clear, just one form needs completing for the group but it must include everyone’s details and consents.
To get started, firstly please select which house you wish to be yours, from the drop down menu. BUT BEFORE YOU BEGIN, PLEASE READ THE REST OF THIS PAGE SO YOU CAN SEE HOW THE NEXT STEPS OF THE APPLICATION PROCESS WORKS ONCE THE FORM HAS BEEN SENT.
The Rest of the Application Process
- Once you have submitted the below form, we will come back to you immediately (or very quickly) and ask you to pay the Holding Deposit of £100 each STRAIGHT AWAY. This enables us to cease advertising the house, and it is “held” for your group pending sorting out all the paperwork etc. Please pay this total amount due in one lump sum via your appointed Lead Tenant to the bank account details we will supply. Put the house no and lead tenant first name on it as the bank reference. We will acknowledge receipt as soon as you tell us it’s been paid. Don’t forget, this money is not “wasted”, as long as everything progresses to a tenancy and you move in, it counts as rent paid.
- We now send your basic details to our partner company, called Canopy, to process your application. They will make contact with you by email. You now supply all the information that Canopy require direct to them including the details of your Guarantor (usually a parent), and ID information necessary to confirm you have the “Right to Rent” in the UK (as per government requirements).
- They will contact your Guarantor too, and they must supply the information required to satisfy Canopy that they can be a suitable Guarantor. Be aware this can be a source of friction as Canopy will need to ask some searching questions around income etc, please make your guarantor aware in advance! We have no control over this.
- One of the matters you must as a group decide upon is with regard to your Tenancy Deposit. We offer the “traditional” route of you paying in a substantial sum (equivalent to 5 weeks rent each), which if all terms of the tenancy are complied with, you get back at the end. This is operated by the Govt approved Deposit Protection Service (DPS). Alternatively, we have a No-Deposit option, this is operated by Reposit. See their website on the link below for full details. Essentially this method involves you paying a one-off fee to them (equivalent to one weeks rent each). The choice is yours, but you must choose one option or the other as a group not individually. Click the Reposit button within the Canopy process if that is your group’s choice.
- You have a maximum of 21 days for the whole group to complete this phase with Canopy. If it takes longer then we reserve the right to cancel your application. If the hold up is with a Guarantor (this is often the case especially where the Guarantor is self- employed) then in order to allow the matter to finalise in a sensible time to give all tenants security, we may insist that you choose an alternative Guarantor. That may have to be a commercial one (who will charge a fee) like HousingHand.
- Canopy then make a report to us recommending whether or not we should accept your group as tenants, and we decide. If we decline your group, of course you get your money back (unless there was any dishonesty involved). Much more likely though is we accept, and we notify you we are making a formal offer of tenancy to your group.
- You now have 5 days to pay the Reposit fee or DPS deposit if you have not already done so.
- We then produce a Tenancy Agreement electronically, which passes between all tenants and their Guarantors for signature. It then comes back to us and when we add our signature, all parties automatically receive a fully signed copy to keep for their records. You will need this during your tenancy.
- Note: We will supply you with a blank copy of our standard Tenancy Agreement upon request at any point in the process.
That is the whole process completed.
We next contact you in early May and give you the whole of that month to come up with your groups preferred first-move-in-date.