
There are a lot of regulations etc for us to comply with, most are aimed at the safety of tenants. We take those reponsibilities very seriously, thats why we belong to a number of orgamisations that assist in compliance and ensure high standards, we show their logos at the bottom of each page. Those are links please click on them for more information.

Here is list of some of the requirements that we meet in order to maintain our high standards:

  • Gas Safety Certificate
  • Fire Risk Assessment
  • Electrical wiring test
  • PAT Test to all electrical items we supply
  • EPC Certificate
  • Acredited with UNIPOL
  • Deposit money held with DPS
  • HMO Licences from local authority
  • Buldings insurance cover (summary of cover available on request)
  • Interlinked Smoke & Heat and CO Monitors/Detectors regularly tested
  • Full compliance with Tenant Fees Act
  • Membership of dispute resolution service
  • Supplied Link to Government How To Rent Guide
  • Use of trusted long standing contractors for any outsourced work

Ours are "Green" houses!

All our houses are Band B or C EPC rated.

Highly insulated walls

Low energy lighting throughout

District Heating system heats 90% of them (fuelled by incinerated waste),

Highly insulated Composite or UPVC doors

Double Glazed windows throughout

Solar panels where possible

Highly insulated lofts

And we even use an electric car for getting to the houses!

About us

We have been letting student houses in Nottingham since 1985.

We are 3 professional people, 2 chartered surveyors:

Paul Taylor MRICS & Kate Taylor FRICS, and a qualified Methods Engineer: John Pickavance, BSc

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has a strict code of professional conduct for its members, so you are further protected from any malpractice by our association with RICS.

Kate also runs her own business offering training for graduate and fully qualified surveyors and works directly for the RICS at times. See

We own, manage, and largely maintain the houses all ourselves. We have no shop or office premises, no staff & pay no agents (who in our experience very often just get in the way of a good landlord-tenant relationship). This is our business model, and it is how we can offer such amazing value rents (just in case you were wondering where’s the catch!). It’s the sort of personal service that only small businesses can offer.

Our homes all have a friendly, homely, feel. Many of our tenants opt to stay on for a 2nd year, and no one does that unless they are happy with House, Location & Landlords!

For those using Reposit this won't apply but for all traditional deposits taken these are placed with the independent government-approved body called the Deposit Protection Service, so you know your deposit money WILL be returned to you at the end of the tenancy as long as you have complied with all the tenancy agreement terms and conditions.

Also we are a Member of the Unipol DASH Code (Decent And Safe Homes). Take a look at what this actually means for your protection at Unipol's website.

Ours are Secure Houses

Every house has a mains powered burglar alarm system.

Every house has a mains powered & interlinked fire/smoke detection & alarm system.

Every room has its own lock which requires a key to lock it, so you cant lock yourself out.


Our Approach to Data Protection: We store your data on a computer, so as the law requires, we are registered with the Information Commissioners Office. No need for any concern though, we only keep basic information. We NEVER pass this on to marketing companies etc, 

We share this only with: The DepositProtectionService (DPS) who look after deposit money, the Uni and UNIPOL if requested, for good reason, Nottingham City Council in relation to queries around Council Tax liability. HMRC in the event of queries around our tax position. Law enforcement agencies. 

We would also share your phone no. with: Contractors employed to carry out repairs at your house & utility co’s so they can arrange access. Fellow tenants in your own house. Prospective student tenants for arranging access for viewing purposes. For any other reason, we would seek your permission first.

Bear in mind that is a joint tenancy so your details will be visible on the tenancy agreement to your housemates and their guarantors

Safe Renting with Us

Landlord-tenant relationships are notorious for being uneasy at best. We try our upmost to get away from those old ways of working. You will find we are professional friendly and helpful. But don’t take our word for it, look at our Google Reviews from previous tenants.

Look too at the bodies we are members of, you will see their logos displayed at the bottom of each page of this website. They set standards which we adhere to, or even surpass! You may not be familiar with all the names and what they stand for but ask around or look it up online and I think you will be pleased. As just an example, because we are members of UNIPOL you will at some point in the year most likely receive a letter like the one copied in below. It’s nice, reassuring stuff!

Click Here

For further information whatsapp message Paul on 07740 582900

Viewings possible almost any times inc weekends and evenings, to suit you!

To view our Tenancy Agreement just send us an email and we will email you a copy back to take a look at. We promise you no nasty surprises. The document has been viewed and approved by UNIPOL and NTU Students Union.